Hasn’t your companion been shown up yet?
(Excuse me, waiter? Ask customers an order of drinks.)
I know it’s a thick fog outside tonight, too…
So I’ll give this song for you
I feel as if we’ve been frozen in time
But a candlelight tells you the time
Even if the shadows fade away, we’re exist here
I found how to survive over the years
There were some friends disappeared into this fog, I know
People just enough living in this city
( 生きる術を数年かけて見つけた
この都市で人々は何とか生きている )
Scrap and build in every industry
The rise and fall of the sense of values, technologies
The catbird seat is kept as safe as ever
( いくつもの産業が崩れては興り
権力の座は安全に相変わらず保たれている )
A roll of the dice which a film will be fast-forwarded or thrown away
Any scientists haven’t given up yet
Any workers haven’t given up yet
( フィルムが早送りか、捨てられるかは時の運
どの働き手もまだ誰も諦めていない )
You should follow your own compass
And just listen to the truth in love
( 己の羅針盤に従うんだ
愛の中にある真実に耳を澄ませるだけでいい )
All sight has looked like Impressionism since there were covered with a vision no one image
Blurred lights sometimes to be a dirt and I hate ones
‘Cause dream and hope molten in this fog
( 誰も想像しなかった光景に覆われてから
All medical professionals spend their days enduring hard work
And there is no day when you can’t hear various sirens
I wonder we carry such a world over into the future
( 医療関係者たちの労働は過酷を極め
そんな世界を未来へと引き継いでいくのだろうか )
Can you see the full moon shining under the clouds?
The Lady Justice always smiles at the sincere
Think carefully about how to love and what to protect
Like praying for rain until it rains
I will keep waiting until the time comes
She comes now
We must proceed even in the dark night
( 雲の下で輝く満月を君は見えるか
僕らは闇夜の中でも進めるに違いない )
May you hold an umbrella…
( みなさんが傘をさせますように )
(BPM 96→112)
CM7 Bbdim Gm/E
F/A F#dim F
Baug G/B
CM7 A7 Am6
FM7 AbM7(-5)/Bb AbM7(-5)/Eb
F/A F#dim F
Baug G/B
Cm Gm(add9)/Eb
Gm/Bb(→route A C G D)
Bb/Eb Bb/F
Gm/Bb(→route A C G D)
Bb/Eb Bb/F
Bb(→route A G F)
Eb Eb/F
Bb/Eb Bb/F Bb/D
Gm(add9)/Bb(→route G C Bb)
Bb(→route A G F)
Bb(→route G→A→C→F→G→D→Eb→F→D)
Gm(add9)/Bb(→route G C Bb)
Bb F/A Eb/G D/Gb
Gm7 Dm/F EM7 D