
She said “You have a tender heartand I always treasure you so”God is nowhereHere’s just historical facts and scientific basisBut I should neither be given any loveNor deserve to tell […]


Tonight, the rainbow raised on this dance floorYou’re so sylphy brushing your hair with fingersAm I in fantasy?A sapphire earring casts a spell over me(今夜、ダンスフロアに虹が打ち上がる指で髪をかきあげる君はとても美しい幻想の中にいるの […]

Trichromatic Swirl

The deepest and the longHypnotizing yourself shrouded in the outline of an auroraNo sound cries as the dewNumbed consciousness just drifts in the colorless trueLoosen your own red-eyelidsSome warped p […]

Δ Siphon

Karnöffel · ΔSiphon Sometimes confusing my work is right or notTurn off the cellur phonePouring a fizz instead of some new informationThen I notice trying to search for thisbubblesCarmly shake my head […]

Like Tennessee Chord

After I closed my bar, what would you like to drink now?YAMAHA Piano I shine here, what are you in the mood for?LA・LALALALA・LALALA・LAOde・dededo・da-la(看板を「Closed」にしたバーでなにか呑みたいお酒でもどう?ここには明るく照らしたヤマハのピアノど […]

Documentary X – “The Gifted” –

(Connect check, auxiliary power unit check, an accuracy of fire is perfect. OK, it’s no problem)(接続よし、補助電源よし、命中精度は完璧、OK。問題なし) “Ahh…I’ve come to check these weapons to work prop […]

The Ghost Of Your Love

You can not drink as much as a dropBut since that day, you have drunk a shot of tequila every nightI hate myself even more for scolding you(1滴もお酒を飲めないあなたがあの日以来、毎晩テキーラのショットを溺れるように飲みだしてあなたを叱ることさえできなくなった […]


“It seems that lightning struck east of this forest” It’s a fire on the opposite side of the river Nobody will listen to his speech standing on the stump of tree“Thunder roar a […]